
The Duckiebot is a robot originally designed for a class at MIT in 2016. The Duckiebot is designed to drive around in DuckieTown, a miniture city full of roads, duckies and robots.

Duckietown Autolab

As described in their history book page:, their development had some highlights, which all can also be found in the Intelligent Robotics Lab:
* Duckiebot – small autonomous robot from Duckietown Project, 2018-2019
* Traffic light kit from Duckietown Project, 2018-2019
* City expansion pack from Duckietown Project, 2018-2019

On display in this cabinet are two versions of the Duckiebot, one powered by a Raspberry Pi, the other with a Nvidia Jetson Nano:

Duckiebot DB-18
Duckiebot DB-21

With those robots the following student-research projects are finalized:
* Sebastiaan Aflaki, Teaching a Virtual DuckieTown Agent to Stop, Bachelor thesis, Universiteit van Amsterdam, April 2022
* Thomas Wiggers and Arnoud Visser, Learning to drive fast on a DuckieTown highway, Intelligent Autonomous Systems 16, Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 412. Springer p. 183-194, April 2022.

Other related research projects can be found at the autonomous-driving research page.