Eight students of the Universiteit van Amsterdam will compete in the Battle of the Institutions at the Robotics Hackaton at the European Robotics Forum. They have to compete against teams from the Radboud University, RWTH Aachen, TU Delft, TU Twente, Saxion and Groningen University.
The students from the UvA will work on the navigation challenge provided by Lely and RoboHouse. The challenge is to move with two Juno robots coordinated through a barn environment.
The Juno robots are quite large (diameter of 1m) and heavy (600kg), so collisions have to be prevented. Yet, part of the navigation challenge is a narrow corridor, where both robots have to go through (following the green and blue route).
If not already difficult enough, the navigation challenge also includes that the robots can handle the removal of part of the wall, a plastic curtain on the route, a farmer that walks through the barn and several other challenges (each giving opportunities to score extra points).
As a real hackaton, the solution have to made in a short period (three days), in front of the public of the European Robotics Forum.