The UMI-RTX robot arm, which was originally designed in 1985 [1], is still up-and-running in the Intelligent Robotics Lab. For their internship from the École Nationale Supérieure de Techniques Avancées Bretagne, Théo Massa and Guillaume Garde build a ROS2 interface which allows to control the robot, visualize its state and make use of a ZED-m depth-camera mounted above the robot.
More details can be found at their report [2]. Their code is available on github.
[1] Tim Jones, Developing a Personal Robot from Concept to Final Product, Personal Robotics Seminar, London, UK, 3rd July 1985.
[2] Guillaume Garde and Théo Massa, A ROS 2 Interface for the UMI-RTX robotic arm, internship report, École Nationale Supérieure de Techniques Avancées Bretagne, August 21, 2023.